
"At IBM, we work closely with Diversity Dialogs to transform unconscious bias into conscious inclusion, moving from passive non-discrimination to active allyship. Along with other strategic actions, Diversity Dialogs have played a significant role in facilitating capacity building workshops for all genders. Their understanding and approach in covering a wide range of areas that hold back women's careers combined with their vast and varied experience is immensely sharp. High potential employees across IBM APAC attend these sessions and have felt a positive impact on their personal & professional outlook. Over the last two years, our women people manager ratio and women in leadership roles have seen an upward trend. Thank you for your partnership Sangeeta & Rosita."
Prachi Rastogi
Diversity & Inclusion Leader-APAC, IBM
"MG Motor is committed to creating a gender-balanced organization. We are proud of our benchmarks in the hiring and retention of Women in the Auto sector. We partnered with Diversity Dialogs to orient the Leadership team and People Managers to challenge their biases and create an Inclusive culture at our factory and corporate office. Sangeeta and Rosita were able to bring in new perspectives and share best practices from their vast experience of working with diverse customers. Diversity Dialogs is also working with women managers to help them to navigate the workplace and take charge of their careers. We have experienced the positive impact of the interventions they run and appreciate their partnership and insights."
Rajeev Chaba
President & MD - MG Motor India Pvt. Ltd.
"I loved the approach of the year-long Women in Insurance program. It was a perfect blend of theoretical sessions with assessments and behavioural checks. The practical examples, tools and tips made it easy to relate to and enabled me to define concrete steps to grow my career. This program has helped me immensely as I’ve been able to inculcate many learnings such as networking and communicating achievements in my everyday business routine and have already started reaping the benefits."
Nupur Issar
AVP, Genpact
"As a part of our Inclusion and Diversity journey, Colt partnered with Diversity Dialogs to build awareness and inclusion in our leaders at all levels across the globe. Running online sessions for people from diverse backgrounds and cultures was our biggest apprehension. Diversity Dialogs not only convinced us through their in-depth understanding of the subject, but they delivered highly effective, interactive and informative webinars with impressive feedback. Their specialized sessions on Unconscious Bias, Gender and LGBTQ+ inclusion has enabled learners with practical actions that they can use in their daily lives. We are very happy to partner with Rosita and Sangeeta of Diversity Dialogs, to drive change and improve inclusion at Colt."
Vineet Aswani
Head – Talent Development, India, Colt
"Diversity Dialogs has delivered amazing virtual workshops to our women colleagues on how to communicate their achievements effectively, establish strategic networks, build strong personal brands, and to challenge their self-limiting beliefs, all of which are critical to advance their career further. Diversity Dialogs also provided group coaching to discuss real challenges faced by the participants at work and gave them very practical and personalized advice. During the 6-month program, we have observed the participants stepped-up, projected themselves more confidently, and demonstrated higher self-esteem and growth mindset. Some have already got new roles with larger scope. Thank you very much, Sangeeta and Rosita for your excellent support to our diversity program!"
Chie Fujimoto
Head of People Experience, Asia Pacific & Japan Region, Nokia
"I attended a program for women with Diversity Dialogs and was so impressed with the overall course content and the facilitators’ ability to draw on their experiences to make it real that I had a customized program organized for my team of seasoned project managers.
This customized program helped participants understand the key elements of executive presence and the criticality of personal branding. Sangeeta and Rosita took time out to understand the organizational context, participant background and challenges faced. Diversity Dialogs designed a program that had A-Ha moments for the participants and helped them challenge their mindsets to create & implement personal action plans.
Thank you, Diversity Dialogs, for the amazing sessions! I look forward to working with you again…"
Nidhi Varma
Director- Global Migrations, Metlife
"We partnered with Diversity Dialogs to run a year-long learning journey for high potential women employees in middle management. This program was a game changer for the participants in many ways. Their testimonials about how their paradigms were challenged and how they broke through their own limiting beliefs to build new behaviours, were inspiring. While all the women benefitted tremendously, a significant percentage also forged ahead to larger roles within a short time after the program concluded. Recognition from business leaders on the transformation they witnessed was testimony to the impact created by this program. A lot of credit for the success of this program is owed to the experience and expertise of Sangeeta & Rosita - their sessions were interactive and engaging, their case studies were real and focussed on changing behaviours and their ability to listen, challenge and provide wise guidance clearly stem from decades of corporate experience. We are extremely happy to continue to partner with Diversity Dialogs to create a lasting impact."
Sonia Mathew
Head People Experience, Cluster Rest of India;
Nokia Solutions & Networks India Pvt Ltd”
" Kyndryl India partnered with Diversity Dialogs to run a career enhancement program for women in middle management. With a practical approach to career development, the program drew on simple, easy to adapt learnings. The discussions in the virtual classroom were thought provoking, practical, and based on real day-to-day work examples. The program also provided perspectives on personal leadership. One of our participants said, the program helped her evolve as a leader who takes a balanced approach in personal and professional growth. I appreciate the close collaboration with Sangeeta and Rosita and their valuable insights that helped us make this program successful at Kyndryl.”
Shilpa Didla
Associate Director and Inclusion, Diversity & Equity Lead
"Gratitude to Sangeeta Murthi Sahgal (she/her) and Rosita Rabindra from Diversity Dialogs for bringing change to our professional way of thinking and actions towards building a growth mindset. The journey started with them in 2022-23 through Birlasoft's BEmpworement program for aspiring women leaders, facilitated by Sangeeta and Rosita. The sessions helped me and my batchmates step-up and take charge of our career in a focused and organized fashion. Their openness to share real-life experiences truly enriched the sessions and enabled us to make changes in both our professional and personal lives. The program involved identifying mindsets and barriers that were holding us back from growing our career and provided us with relevant tools and techniques to challenge and overcome these career limiting obstacles. To be specific, the areas where I have benefitted the most are in thinking and behaving strategically, finding sponsors, personal branding and leveraging social media to amplify my visibility. I am deeply grateful for Sangeeta and Rosita's efforts and commitment. Highly recommend their programs for women seeking to accelerate their career growth."
Manisha Srivastava
Associate Practice Director at Birlasoft
"DHL IT Services engaged with Diversity Dialogs in 2022 to launch a platform for our female talent. Women@ITS was launched as an initiative to increase the pipeline of female talent at ITS. The program has been an absolute success with 6 cohorts completed. Over160 women have attended the program and embarked on a journey of professional self-awareness to support them in their leadership aspirations. A huge thank you to Sangeeta and Diversity Dialogs for curating and running the program in collaboration with our teams to achieve the vision of diversity and equity at DHL IT Services. Thank you for supporting ITS on our journey to help our female colleagues."